Josh Waitzkin’ book “The Art of Learning” As per the author, there is a complete process to learn any skills. Here I’m explaining the 6 main principles for learning anything. Learning the macro from the micro When we start to learn anything, we must start with Micro, and when we understand that micro then will also get understood by the Macro, meaning we will get to know the full theory. The author has used the same principle to learn chess. Where everyone uses all pieces at one time on the chessboard to practice and they get confused but the author first removes all pieces from the chessboard and puts only three pieces on it to practice. Because at the time of practice he covered all moves of all pieces one by one, and that was easy for them to concentrate and also get effective practices. In the same principle if we want to apply in our study then we can select one concept and clear all answers related to the concept. It will help us to learn the concepts clearly and fully....
by Maneesh