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Why should we believe in Rama?


Why should we believe in Rama?

Do you believe in Lord Rama?

Not Religiously         but Practically

These days we find the need to clarify this because everyone wants Ramarajya, but nobody wants to be like Rama. 

Let's learn 5 qualities from Lord Rama. 

1. Respect our Parents. 
    Today, we live in such times where parents send their kids to boarding schools and those kids send their parents to an old age home. It is very difficult to connect with each other... 
in spite of having good intentions, we become villains in their eyes. 

Dashrath wanted Lord Rama to be the king and Rama knew Dashrath would not be unjust on purpose. Even then, because of the circumstance, Rama had to bear 14 years of Vanvaas. 

Circumstances, situations, they're these things that make our closed ones the villains in our story, but we call Prince Rama as Lord Rama because he tried to understand his father's actions. Everyone sees life from their own perspective but seeing things from a different perspective is not everyone's cup of tea. 

Can we try to be a better son or daughter like Lord Rama?

2. Importance of co-operation
Vanvas is a metaphor. Life after education is a corporate vanvaas where we meet all kinds of animals! Rama is divine still he had to start from "0" in Vanvas. He had to put his ego aside and take help from wild animals, whether it was Jatayu, the Vanar Sena, or Shabri. Till the time we are in a protected zone whether it is home or college or our school we are in our comfort zone. We have the freedom to behave as we wish but roaming like a prince/princess in the outside world is a dilemma. We need help if we want to survive in this world and the best human is the one who respects a janitor and a CEO the same, without distinction. 
Can we try to respect every single person? 

3. A promise is a promise. 
Friendship and Toxic friendship only one thing distinguishes them, Toxic friendship is completely one-sided. There are friends who only want to undue benefit from you either because of your skills or your social connections, they stay friends with you for some personal gain. They are not your true friends!

Sugreev asked Rama for help to win his kingdom back and he promised to take lord Rama to Lanka in return but as soon as he won the kingdom back Sugreev forgot his promise. 

Your network is your net worth

but the network that wants a favor from you but doesn't come forward to help you in times of trouble, is not a network. Some friends are parasites who believe in a one-sided friendship. 
can we learn to identify such toxic friends?

4. Trust your partner. 
we know the sacrifices Lord Rama had to do to bring Sita home, how he went from North India to Lanka and how he made Ram Setu with the help of Vanar Sena. at the same time, we cannot forget that Ma Sita bore Raavan's mental torture as well, she was patient, and she believed that lord Rama would save her at any cost. In a partnership whether it is in a business partnership or a romantic one trusting your partner is like winning half the battle. Can we bring trust like Rama and Sita into our relationship? 

5. Follow your love
We live in the world of dating apps, where we can get a new partner in just one swipe. It is easy to fall in love, but difficult to stay in love. but Lord Rama teaches us undivided pursuit. He teaches us commitment. This is not about romantic commitment, but also the commitment to our goals. 
Psychology has proved that there are 2 minds within our minds, the Monkey mind, and the Monk mind. A monkey mind has no goal in life it keeps jumping from one branch to another, but the monkey mind can't reach anywhere it keeps going around in circles. The monk mind stays calm even in adversity, the monk mind does not panic, and the monk mind focuses on solutions. 

If we want to achieve anything in life, if we want to do anything that inspires other people then we have to find some purpose in life. We have to chase that purpose, we have to follow that purpose and this is not easy 


We need to work very hard for all of this
We need to pursue it with a single-minded focus
We need to go into exile sometimes

But the person who manages to do all of this finds the world bending at his/her feet. 

Today there are a lot of debates on this Whether Prince Rama existed in India or not?

People ask Where is the proof?

I think there is only one way to make lord Rama eternal by absorbing his qualities in our life.

Thanks for reading 😊


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